15:05 Mon, Dec 2 GGO.
Chapter 57
In a life of war, of constant struggles, of losing my parents, my warriors, omegas, and pups, I'm unaccustomed to
feeling pleasure. That's not to say that | haven't had a sexual encounter now and again, but that had been a
temporary release
This, what | feel with Yara, is unlike anything I've ever experienced in my life. The pleasure of being inside her,
her warm, wet heat drawinginto her body, her soft grey-green eyes beggingfor more, her sweet moans
and her screams of pleasure are unlike anything | ever anticipated when | found her, | knew my parents had a
special bond, but unless you experience it, you can’t understand just how powerful, how incredible it truly is.
| could have feasted on Yara’s taste for days, the sweet taste of cinnamon and nutmeg on my tongue, listening
to her soft moans or pleasure, but | needed to make her mine, needed to know that she is safe from the other
Alphas who are trying to take her from me, needed to connect with her in the way that I've been desperate to
connect since | met her.
When Arric slid his canines into her marking spot, the flood of notions that I'd felt from her made my throat
close. If I'd been on my feet, I'd have struggled not to fall on my knees in front of her. Her softness, the
gentleness of her body is mirrored in her mind. The intelligent snarkiness is there, | know it is because of her
mumblings, but behind that is the most compassionate, caring, loving woman I've ever known. She has opened
herself to me, lettingfeel her love and pride at being my mate, forand for the man | am. It’s an
unconditional love, unlike anything that I've ever felt from a pack member before. As an Alpha, I'm well loved by
my pack, but there are always conditions to that love. | need to be strong, to protect, to feed them, to keep them
Yara’s love is passionate and full of fire, but also slow-burning and never-ending. She lovesfor the man that |
am, not just as her Alpha or her mate, but me, Warren Hill. I've never felt so seen or so understood in my life.
Arric seems to agree as he continues to flood Yara’s system with his venom, pushing our scent into her as | push
my love for her through the bond. Annika’s venom in my system keepshurd, so | continue thrusting, pushing
both of us through the Jongest, most intense orgasm I've ever had.
Follow on NovᴇlEnglish.nᴇt
| wrap my arms around her, holding her as tightly she’s holding me, neither of us wanting to lose this connection.
| love you, Yara. I'm so happy that you're finally mine, | say in the mind link.
| feel the warmth of her love wrap around me, feel it blossoming insideas she pushes it through the bond.
‘I love you, Warren. You're never getting rid ofnow.”
“I have
no intention of ever letting you go, my
sweet, sweet mate
When Arric and Annika final release their hold on us, licking the wounds until they heal, | slowly bring my mate
and 1 back down, laying over her and nuzzling her nose with mine.
“I didn’t know how much you loved me, or how important it would be toto feel that love,” I tell her honestly
“I do love you, Warren. | love everything about you, your strength, your kindness, your intelligence, all of it,” she
says and | feel her possessiveness, her pride that she’s the only one that gets to callher mate.
Arric begins purring as | slide out of her, laying beside her and tucking her against my body.
“Did you know it would feel like this?” she asks, her fingers beginning to trace the lines of my scars.
“No. | knew you would be worth waiting for, but | had no idea it would feel like this,” | say, meaning it. It's like |
have someone who sees everything about me, every thing that is good, everything that is bad, every nuance,
every flaw, and yet lovesanyway, lovesbecause of or in spite of all of those things
| move through her mind, wanting to know everything she’s feeling
15:06 Mon, Dec 2 G
Chapter 57
| kiss the top of her head. “You're not as sore as | thought you'd be
“Annika is strong wolf,” she says smugly. “And also a demanding one,” she says as she slides over my body,
straddlingas she sits up. | run my hands over her thighs.
What's on your mind, my mates?”
“You. | like the way you feel inside me. | want to feel it again, right now,” she says, lifting up and shifting back,
lining my already hard length at her entrance before slowly slidinginside her.
“Fuck you feel good, and you look even better riding my cock.” | say as she begins moving her hips.
She lets her head fall back as she adjusts to the different feel of this position.
“Warren.” she moans
“I will never get tired of hearing you call my nlike that,” | tell her, running my hands over her soft body,
taking her breasts in my hands and stroking her nipples until they're hard again. Her body is so fucking
responsive to me.
Ilove it
She begins grinding on top of me, leaning over and putting her hands on my chest. “You feel so good, she
“Mmm, so do you. | love getting to watch you while you ride me. | say, teasing her nipples as she moves and
finds her rhythm. She’s so wet that | can feel her arousal dripping down my thighs.
She begins ridinghard and | have the pleasure of watching her cundone. | grab her hips, forcing her to
ride out her orgasm as she comes, her tight pussy clenchingand drawingin, making it hard forto not
come. But | want to see her cagain.
Follow on Novᴇl-Onlinᴇ.cᴏm
erand | push it another one. | know you do.” | say, when she looks down at me. Her brown hair is hanging
over behind her ear, wanting to see her face more clearly. “Con, baby. | want to feel you con my cock
again. You feel fucking incredible.”
“So do you,” she murmurs as she begins moving again.
This t1 help her, holding her hips to help her ridefaster until she’s bouncing on me, her head thrown
back again. her beautiful breasts bouncing in front of me.
“Yes! Yes! Yes!” she screams, just before | feel her clamping down onagain. | force her to ride out another
orgasm, pushing her to one more before | finally let myself empty inside her. This orgasm is nearly as strong as
the last and | thrust up into her, hitting her cervix as | jerk through my orgasm
When she collapses over top of me, | wrap my arms around her.
“Better?” | ask her
“For now,” she says, snuggling against me.
I love you, | say in the mind link.
I love you, too, she replies.
Arric begins purring, lulling Yara to sleep.
Just before | nod off, | hear her. I'm not sure if she mumbled out loud or in my head, but either way, | heard it.
“With a cock that big. | bet | get lots of babies.”
“As many as you want.” | murmur softly and she snuggles against me, and | fall asleep happier than ever
remember being in my life.
15:06 Mon, Dec 2 GB
Chapter 58